Thursday, March 17, 2011


Aaaaand I'm back.  Oh how I've missed you.  And you.  But mostly you.  (Shhh, don't tell the others).

When lack of inspiration's time for the self-portrait. last post was actually a self-portrait too.  27 years later and still drawing the same ol' junk.  Note to self: Must get inspired.

I don't love the result, but the process was simply lovely.  I used a big chunk of a graphite stick on a plain ol' wooden board.  It was almost like cave painting.  ...Yeah, don't ask me how.  It just was.

I was bored.  And now I'm board.

Monday, March 7, 2011


My one claim to fame...or claim to someone else's fame, maybe, is that I was buds with Chelsea Clinton in preschool and kindergarten.  Her dad was Governor at the time, and so that meant my friend lived in a pretty sweet house and we got driven around by her nanny a lot.

What I remember most about hanging out with Chelsea, though, is playing with their dog, Zeke. It was a blonde cocker spaniel that bit my face when I bent over to give it a hug.  I didn't have any hard feelings about it, though.  Apparently, I loved Zeke so much, that when all the kids in kindergarten drew pictures of what they liked most about going to an Easter event at the Governor's mansion, I did not draw the bus, or the swing set, or the Easter bunny like everyone else.  Nope.  I drew Zeke.  I can just imagine myself, separated from all the other kids, in my own world, just patting the lovable cocker spaniel on his head.  Apparently with a bow on my head.  And zombie arms.

Candice and Zeke, circa 1984

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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